
Don't underestimate the liability exposure of a hazardous wastewater leak

  • Secure wastewater storage is business critical — these fluids may contain hazardous waste that is dangerous to both humans and the environment.
  • Hazardous wastewater storage is particularly important, and is therefore highly regulated by governments
  • Safe and responsible storage of wastewater is not only ethical, but practical for any business
  • Damage stemming from leaks can be both dangerous & expensive to repair

Industrial manufacturing and production is a critical part of modern life, helping us maintain our high standard of living and economic growth. However, the waste leftover from production can be extremely problematic when not stored safely & securely. The implications of hazardous wastewater leaks range from environmental damage, to human illness, to high costs for cleanup and repair. A wastewater leak can cause a lot of damage quickly. Bolt Boss can help you stop stop hazardous wastewater leaks quickly and cost effectively.

The alternative? Drain the tank by transferring wastewater to another tank, suit up with hazmat gear, try to find the leak and seal the tank from the inside, refill the tank, and hope that all went well. If the fix didn't work, start over again. This process takes days of work and many thousands of dollars. Avoid wasting time and money — try Bolt Boss first!